We're getting ready for launch!

symlearning 2024

Symlearning is part of Sympac’s commitment to provide customers with the highest level of product, service, and support now and into the future.

We’re gearing up for the launch of symlearning in the coming weeks!

We’re excited to introduce you to symlearning, an eLearning platform designed to provide our customers the power to change quickly, onboard team new members fast and upskill existing users when new software enhancements are released. 

All our courses have been carefully curated by inhouse Sympac trainers who have decades of industry related experience and business improvement know how.

The suite of course options suit both our new and existing customers, with courses designed for before, during and long after your Sympac system has gone live.

symlearning has 2 key parts:

  1. Microlearning – a suite of value-added microlearning courses provided at no charge.
  2. Full eLearning Courses- courses that provide structured learning pathways to maximise your understanding of the Sympac system and include certification. Tailored to key roles that our Sympac users perform from the front customer facing areas, through to back-end administration and finance. Access to these courses will be $75 per user per month.

Stay tuned! 
Very soon we will be announcing the launch of symlearning and will be releasing all the information our customers need to access both the microlearning and the full eLearning courses.

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